District Deputies
C & B Trust
A permanent and irrevocable trust, the principal of which shall remain intact: the income from which shall be used for charitable. Educational and benevolent purposes in New Mexico No part of the principal or income may be used for administrative or operating expenses. These are paid by The New Mexico Elks Association
Cerebral Palsy
The Cerebral Palsy Commission, in conjunction with the State President, has implemented a new program emphasizing “grass roots” participation from the state’s Local Lodges.
Hoop Shoot
The Elks Hoop Shoot is a national free throw contest for kids up to 13 years old. It begins with competition in the local Lodges, Including the 22 Lodge in New Mexico. Winners at the local competition advance to the District Competition, then to State, and then to Regional, in our case for New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana, in Dallas, and then possibly to the National Hoop Shoot in Springfield, Mass.. For more information on the National Hoop Shoot, click on this link to Grand Lodge
Veterans Services
In each of the 172 VA Medical Centers there is an Elk committee at work. Literally, thousands of Elks and their families give generously of their time, energy and resources so that the lives of our ill and aging veterans will be enhanced. Hundreds of thousands of hours and like numbers of dollars are devoted to programs that are designed to keep us true to our pledge: ”So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them.“ And now we’ve broadened our program to include outpatients and veterans who are homeless. For more information on the Elk’s Services to Veterans, Visit Grand Lodge.
Drug Awareness
The Elks National Drug Awareness Program strives to teach all children and parents about the dangers of illegal drug use and prevent the abuse of legalized and prescription drugs. As the largest volunteer drug awareness program in the United States, the program relies on state, district and Lodge volunteers to promote a drug-free lifestyle. By taking pride in America’s communities and youth, the program takes action against youth drug use through education and inspiration.
The Elks help those who wish to further their education with Scholarships from several sources. The Elks National Foundation hands out more than $3.64 million in college scholarships each year, including scholarships for the Most Valuable Student, and legacy scholarships for children and grandchildren of Elks.
Elks National Foundation
The mission of the Elks National Foundation is to help Elks build stronger communities. We fulfill this pledge by investing in communities where Elks live and work. We provide tomorrow’s leaders, our youth, with a healthy beginning; honor the Elks pledge to never forget our veterans; help the state Elks associations accomplish their charitable objectives and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities.
The more activities that we offer to the youth of our community, the stronger our organizations will become. Even simple activities such as movie night once a month, Easter egg hunts, and Halloween fun and games enable youth to take part in lodge activities. In addition, programs such as Hoop Shoot, Soccer Shoot, Youth Recognition, Scholarships, Scouting, and Dictionary Programs engage children of all ages in worthwhile community activities.
The Ritualistic Committee is responsible for promoting excellence in the rituals. To accomplish this, the Ritualistic Committee hosts clinics and seminars to educate Lodge Officers and others on the finer points of ritual performance. The Elk Rituals can be very inspirational, but only if they are done properly.
Information from NMEA Committees not listed on the navigation bar is available here. Just click on the links for the latest forms and information. Check back soon for more information about our committees on; Americanism, Bowling, Leadership Development, Government Relations, Membership, Golf, Internet Operations, and Youth Activities. Thanks for visiting the New Mexico Elks website!