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ABQ Elks Lodge 461 Hosted a Flag Day Ceremony on June 17th

Flag Day at Albuquerque Elks Lodge #461 on June 17th.
Lodge #461 presented a Flag Day presentation starting with a history of the Flag as the years passed after our founding.
The Lodge had members and friends bring in old flags for proper disposal. Members of the Neptune Society, a cremation service, attended the event. They accepted our old flags to be placed with veterans who had passed and are to be cremated.
To finish the event a demonstration of the proper folding of our flag was done by several Lodge members.
Honored guests were the members of our Local Fire Department, who unfortunately had to leave due to a call.
Thank you to all members who did a fantastic job of celebrating the history of our Flag!
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    Flag Day resized

El Paso Elks Lodge #187

We showed our appreciation to some extraordinary veterans today and celebrated two of their birthdays.❤️
Great food and better company.
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    El Paso 187 a
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    El Paso 187b
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    El Paso 187c
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    El Paso 187d
  • El Paso Veterans Thank You
    El Paso Veterans Thank You

Farmington Lodge 1747 Hosts Unserviceable Flag Ceremony

Lodge 1747 held it’s first Flag retirement ceremony. The Veterans committee led by Cara Richter held the ceremony on June 10th. Thank you to Tommy Bolack an Elk Trustee for allowing this event to be held on his ranch.  Also a huge shout out to the Veterans Committee for putting this together. John Tucker did a great job as MC. The ceremony was open to the public and had a good turn out.

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Roswell Elk Lodge 969

14th Annual Veterans Golf Tournament benefiting our local veterans!! Huge thank you to our Chairman Craig Sutherland, all volunteers for putting this great event together. We are most appreciative of all our sponsors, volunteers and golfers!!! $24,450.00 raised on this tournament!!

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    roswell golfe

Elks Lodge 461 – Celebrating our Scholars.

The Lodge awarded six Elks Most Valuable Scholar Applicants a gift of $400 for the hard work they accomplished during their high school career.  Thank you to Jan our Lodge Scholarship Chair for her dedication in promoting our youth.  Thank you to the members for being present and honoring our youth.

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Albuquerque Elks Lodge 461 – Youth Week

The Elks hosted a Pizza Party for the 5th Grade Bilingual Class at La Mesa Elementary School. The Party was in Celebration of the Posters they created for the Elks Drug Awareness Poster Contest. The top 4 winners received the kindle 8s. They also received framed Certificates and their posters framed.  All youth received Certificates, Elks currant Coloring Books, Non Smoking Books and stuffed moneys saying “Don’t Monkey Around with Drugs”.  It was a great day in the neighborhood for the Children and the Elks.

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    kids showing their posters to the other students.
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    La Mesa 4
    The four Poster Contest Winners!

Elks Lodge 461 – Youth Week

Elks rallied the students at La Mesa with a pizza party for their awards celebration for the Elks Drug Awareness Poster Contest , “One Pill Can Kill”.  Thank you to the dedicated teacher who supported the children in her bilingual class in winning Kindle 8s for the top student’s Posters.

All the Youth were winners as they each received Non-Smoking Books, The Elks Coloring Books, Stuffed Monkeys that say, “Don’t Monkey Around with Drugs” and a certificate for job well done.

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    La Mesa1
    kids showing their posters to the other students.
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